A Healthy Lifestyle

I love food! However, I don’t want to pack on the pounds so I try to live by some of the following guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

-eat small portions (Tip: smaller plates help get smaller portions)
-don’t eat more than your fill
-don’t eat mindlessly
-drink plenty of water
-avoid sodas. I think many people drink more calories than they even realize. If you are going to drink a soda, be conscientious about the calories and skip dessert.
-limit the processed foods
-share food, especially desserts! No one needs all of the cookies the batch makes but everyone likes a couple, so share the sugar. ; )
-incorporate exercise into your routine (I love TurboKick, especially in a group setting that helps keep me accountable and pushes me harder); if you don’t like exercise I truly believe that just means you haven’t found the right exercise for you
-live an active lifestyle: take the stairs, walk instead of just standing on escalators, take a walk, get up from your desk periodically and just walk around for a second when you’re at work

I by no means have this all figured out; nutrition and fitness are not my strong suit. However, I do recognize how important it is to have a healthy lifestyle so I thought this deserved a little spot on here.

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